Full project name:

ATRIUM - Advancing FronTier Research In the Arts and hUManities


48 months, January 2024 to December 2027

Project coordinator:

Digital Research Infrastructure for the Arts and Humanities (DARIAH)


The ATRIUM Consortium is structured around 4 core Research Infrastructures (DARIAH, ARIADNE, CLARIN and OPERAS) with 29 partners (including 12 affiliated entities) from 14 different countries: Austria (OEAW), Belgium (ARIADNE and OPERAS), Cyprus (CYI), the Czech Republic (ARUB, ARUP and CU), Germany (LMU MUENCHEN), France (DARIAH, FOXCUB, INRIA, TOURS), Greece (ATHENA-RC, AUEB, FORTH), Italy (CNR, NET7, PIN, PRISMA), The Netherlands (CLARIN, RADBOUD), Poland (IBL PAN, PSNC), Portugal (LNEC), Serbia (BCDH), Sweden (SND) and the United Kingdom (UoY_ADS, USFD, USW).

Summary of main topic and goals:

ATRIUM aims to empower Arts and Humanities scholars in their use of digital methods by facilitating access to a wide range of reusable workflows and interoperable, composable services offered by leading research infrastructures in the Arts and Humanities domain.

Topic-ID: HORIZON-INFRA-2023-SERV-01-02
Type of action: HORIZON-RIA
Grant Agreement number: 101132163

Marco Callieri
Marco Callieri
Senior Researcher

Digital Technologies for Cultural Heritage