import { Transform } from './Transform.js' import { BoundingBox } from './BoundingBox.js' import { addSignals } from './Signals.js' /** * Defines a rectangular viewing region inside a canvas area. * @typedef {Object} Viewport * @property {number} x - X-coordinate of the lower-left corner * @property {number} y - Y-coordinate of the lower-left corner * @property {number} dx - Width of the viewport * @property {number} dy - Height of the viewport * @property {number} w - Total canvas width * @property {number} h - Total canvas height */ /** * Camera class that manages viewport parameters and camera transformations. * Acts as a container for parameters needed to define the viewport and camera position, * supporting smooth animations between positions using source and target transforms. * * The camera maintains two Transform objects: * - source: represents current position * - target: represents destination position * * Animation between positions is handled automatically by the OpenLIME system * unless manually interrupted by user input. */ class Camera { /** * Creates a new Camera instance. * @param {Object} [options] - Configuration options * @param {boolean} [options.bounded=true] - Whether to limit camera translation to scene boundaries * @param {number} [options.maxFixedZoom=2] - Maximum allowed pixel size * @param {number} [options.minScreenFraction=1] - Minimum portion of screen to show when zoomed in * @param {Transform} [] - Initial target transform * @fires Camera#update */ constructor(options) { Object.assign(this, { viewport: null, bounded: true, minScreenFraction: 1, maxFixedZoom: 2, maxZoom: 2, minZoom: 1, boundingBox: new BoundingBox, }); Object.assign(this, options); = new Transform(; this.source =; this.easing = 'linear'; } /** * Creates a deep copy of the camera instance. * @returns {Camera} A new Camera instance with copied properties */ copy() { let camera = new Camera(); Object.assign(camera, this); return camera; } /** * Updates the viewport while maintaining the camera position as close as possible to the previous one. * @param {Viewport} view - The new viewport in CSS coordinates */ setViewport(view) { if (this.viewport) { let rz = Math.sqrt((view.w / this.viewport.w) * (view.h / this.viewport.h)); this.viewport = view; const { x, y, z, a } =; this.setPosition(0, x, y, z * rz, a); } else { this.viewport = view; } } /** * Returns the current viewport in device coordinates (accounting for device pixel ratio). * @returns {Viewport} The current viewport scaled for device pixels */ glViewport() { let d = window.devicePixelRatio; let viewport = {}; for (let i in this.viewport) viewport[i] = this.viewport[i] * d; return viewport; } /** * Converts canvas coordinates to scene coordinates using the specified transform. * @param {number} x - X coordinate relative to canvas * @param {number} y - Y coordinate relative to canvas * @param {Transform} transform - Transform to use for conversion * @returns {{x: number, y: number}} Coordinates in scene space relative to viewport center */ mapToScene(x, y, transform) { //compute coords relative to the center of the viewport. x -= this.viewport.w / 2; y -= this.viewport.h / 2; x -= transform.x; y -= transform.y; x /= transform.z; y /= transform.z; let r = Transform.rotate(x, y, -transform.a); return { x: r.x, y: r.y }; } /** * Converts scene coordinates to canvas coordinates using the specified transform. * @param {number} x - X coordinate in scene space * @param {number} y - Y coordinate in scene space * @param {Transform} transform - Transform to use for conversion * @returns {{x: number, y: number}} Coordinates in canvas space */ sceneToCanvas(x, y, transform) { let r = Transform.rotate(x, y, transform.a); x = r.x * transform.z + transform.x - this.viewport.x + this.viewport.w / 2; y = r.y * transform.z - transform.y + this.viewport.y + this.viewport.h / 2; return { x: x, y: y }; } /** * Sets the camera target parameters for a new position. * @param {number} dt - Animation duration in milliseconds * @param {number} x - X component of translation * @param {number} y - Y component of translation * @param {number} z - Zoom factor * @param {number} a - Rotation angle in degrees * @param {string} [easing] - Easing function name for animation * @fires Camera#update */ setPosition(dt, x, y, z, a, easing) { /** * The event is fired when the camera target is changed. * @event Camera#update */ // Discard events due to cursor outside window //if (Math.abs(x) > 64000 || Math.abs(y) > 64000) return; this.easing = easing || this.easing; if (this.bounded) { const sw = this.viewport.dx; const sh = this.viewport.dy; // let xform = new Transform({ x: x, y: y, z: z, a: a, t: 0 }); let tbox = xform.transformBox(this.boundingBox); const bw = tbox.width(); const bh = tbox.height(); // Screen space offset between image boundary and screen boundary // Do not let transform offet go beyond this limit. // if (scaled-image-size < screen) it remains fully contained // else the scaled-image boundary closest to the screen cannot enter the screen. const dx = Math.abs(bw - sw) / 2;// +; x = Math.min(Math.max(-dx, x), dx); const dy = Math.abs(bh - sh) / 2;// + -; y = Math.min(Math.max(-dy, y), dy); } let now =; this.source = this.getCurrentTransform(now); //the angle needs to be interpolated in the shortest direction. //target it is kept between 0 and +360, source is kept relative. a = Transform.normalizeAngle(a); this.source.a = Transform.normalizeAngle(this.source.a); if (a - this.source.a > 180) this.source.a += 360; if (this.source.a - a > 180) this.source.a -= 360; Object.assign(, { x: x, y: y, z: z, a: a, t: now + dt }); console.assert(!isNaN(; this.emit('update'); } /** * Pans the camera by a specified amount in canvas coordinates. * @param {number} dt - Animation duration in milliseconds * @param {number} dx - Horizontal displacement * @param {number} dy - Vertical displacement */ pan(dt, dx, dy) { let now =; let m = this.getCurrentTransform(now); m.x += dx; m.y += dy; this.setPosition(dt, m.x, m.y, m.z, m.a); } /** * Zooms the camera to a specific point in canvas coordinates. * @param {number} dt - Animation duration in milliseconds * @param {number} z - Target zoom level * @param {number} [x=0] - X coordinate to zoom towards * @param {number} [y=0] - Y coordinate to zoom towards */ zoom(dt, z, x, y) { if (!x) x = 0; if (!y) y = 0; let now =; let m = this.getCurrentTransform(now); if (this.bounded) { z = Math.min(Math.max(z, this.minZoom), this.maxZoom); } //x, an y should be the center of the zoom. m.x += (m.x + x) * (m.z - z) / m.z; m.y += (m.y + y) * (m.z - z) / m.z; this.setPosition(dt, m.x, m.y, z, m.a); } /** * Rotates the camera around its z-axis. * @param {number} dt - Animation duration in milliseconds * @param {number} a - Rotation angle in degrees */ rotate(dt, a) { let now =; let m = this.getCurrentTransform(now); this.setPosition(dt, m.x, m.y, m.z, + a); } /** * Applies a relative zoom change at a specific point. * @param {number} dt - Animation duration in milliseconds * @param {number} dz - Relative zoom change factor * @param {number} [x=0] - X coordinate to zoom around * @param {number} [y=0] - Y coordinate to zoom around */ deltaZoom(dt, dz, x = 0, y = 0) { let now =; let m = this.getCurrentTransform(now); //rapid firing wheel event need to compound. //but the x, y in input are relative to the current transform. dz *= / m.z; if (this.bounded) { if (m.z * dz < this.minZoom) dz = this.minZoom / m.z; if (m.z * dz > this.maxZoom) dz = this.maxZoom / m.z; } //transform is x*z + dx = X , there x is positrion in scene, X on screen //we want x*z*dz + dx1 = X (stay put, we need to find dx1. let r = Transform.rotate(x, y, m.a); m.x += r.x * m.z * (1 - dz); m.y += r.y * m.z * (1 - dz); this.setPosition(dt, m.x, m.y, m.z * dz, m.a); } /** * Gets the camera transform at a specific time. * @param {number} time - Current time in milliseconds (from * @returns {Transform} The interpolated transform at the specified time */ getCurrentTransform(time) { if (time > this.easing = 'linear'; return Transform.interpolate(this.source,, time, this.easing); } /** * Gets the camera transform at a specific time in device coordinates. * @param {number} time - Current time in milliseconds (from * @returns {Transform} The interpolated transform scaled for device pixels */ getGlCurrentTransform(time) { const pos = this.getCurrentTransform(time); pos.x *= window.devicePixelRatio; pos.y *= window.devicePixelRatio; pos.z *= window.devicePixelRatio; return pos; } /** * Adjusts the camera to frame a specified bounding box. * @param {BoundingBox} box - The box to frame in canvas coordinates * @param {number} [dt=0] - Animation duration in milliseconds */ fit(box, dt) { if (box.isEmpty()) return; if (!dt) dt = 0; //find if we align the topbottom borders or the leftright border. let w = this.viewport.dx; let h = this.viewport.dy; let bw = box.width(); let bh = box.height(); let c =; let z = Math.min(w / bw, h / bh); this.setPosition(dt, -c.x * z, -c.y * z, z, 0); } /** * Resets the camera to show the entire scene. * @param {number} dt - Animation duration in milliseconds */ fitCameraBox(dt) {, dt); } /** * Updates the camera's boundary constraints and zoom limits. * @private * @param {BoundingBox} box - New bounding box for constraints * @param {number} minScale - Minimum scale factor */ updateBounds(box, minScale) { this.boundingBox = box; const w = this.viewport.dx; const h = this.viewport.dy; let bw = this.boundingBox.width(); let bh = this.boundingBox.height(); this.minZoom = Math.min(w / bw, h / bh) * this.minScreenFraction; this.maxZoom = minScale > 0 ? this.maxFixedZoom / minScale : this.maxFixedZoom; this.maxZoom = Math.max(this.minZoom, this.maxZoom); } } addSignals(Camera, 'update'); export { Camera }