Source: LayerNeuralRTI.js

import { Layer } from './Layer.js'
import { Raster } from './Raster.js'
import { Layout } from './Layout.js'
import { Transform } from './Transform.js'
import { Shader } from './Shader.js'
import { ShaderNeural } from './ShaderNeural.js'

 * @typedef {Object} LayerNeuralRTIOptions
 * @property {string} url - URL to the Neural RTI configuration JSON
 * @property {Layout} layout - Layout system for image loading
 * @property {number} [convergenceSpeed=1.2] - Speed of quality convergence
 * @property {number} [maxTiles=40] - Maximum number of tiles to process
 * @property {string} [colorspace='rgb'] - Color space for processing
 * @extends LayerOptions

 * LayerNeuralRTI implements real-time Neural Reflectance Transformation Imaging.
 * This layer uses a neural network to perform real-time relighting of images,
 * offering improved quality and performance compared to traditional RTI approaches.
 * Features:
 * - Neural network-based relighting
 * - Adaptive quality scaling
 * - Frame rate optimization
 * - Progressive refinement
 * - Multi-plane texture support
 * - WebGL acceleration
 * Technical Details:
 * - Uses 3-layer neural network
 * - Supports multiple color spaces
 * - Implements adaptive tile processing
 * - Handles dynamic quality adjustment
 * - Manages frame buffer operations
 * - Coordinates light transformations
 * Performance Optimizations:
 * - Dynamic resolution scaling
 * - FPS-based quality adjustment
 * - Progressive refinement system
 * - Tile caching
 * - Batch processing
 * @extends Layer
	* @example
 * ```javascript
 * // Create Neural RTI layer
 * const neuralRTI = new OpenLIME.Layer({
 *   type: 'neural',
 *   url: 'config.json',
 *   layout: 'deepzoom',
 *   convergenceSpeed: 1.2,
 *   maxTiles: 40
 * });
 * // Add to viewer
 * viewer.addLayer('rti', neuralRTI);
 * // Change light direction
 * neuralRTI.setLight([0.5, 0.3], 1000);
 * ```
class LayerNeuralRTI extends Layer {
	 * Creates a new LayerNeuralRTI instance
	 * @param {LayerNeuralRTIOptions} options - Configuration options
	constructor(options) {
		super(options || {});
		this.currentRelightFraction = 1.0; //(min: 0, max 1)
		this.maxTiles = 40;
		this.relighted = false;
		this.convergenceSpeed = 1.2;
		this.addControl('light', [0, 0]);
		this.worldRotation = 0; //if the canvas or ethe layer rotate, light direction neeeds to be rotated too.

		let textureUrls = [
			this.layout.imageUrl(this.url, 'plane_1'),
			this.layout.imageUrl(this.url, 'plane_2'),
			this.layout.imageUrl(this.url, 'plane_3'),


		for (let url of textureUrls) {
			let raster = new Raster({ format: 'vec3' });

		this.imageShader = new Shader({
			'label': 'Rgb',
			'samplers': [{ id: 0, name: 'kd', type: 'vec3', load: false }]

		this.neuralShader = new ShaderNeural();

		this.shaders = { 'standard': this.imageShader, 'neural': this.neuralShader };
		this.neuralShader.setLight([0, 0]);

		(async () => { await this.loadNeural(this.url); })();

	 * Sets light direction with optional animation
	 * @param {number[]} light - Light direction vector [x, y]
	 * @param {number} [dt] - Animation duration in milliseconds
	setLight(light, dt) {
		this.setControl('light', light, dt);

	/** @ignore */
	loadTile(tile, callback) {
		this.shader = this.neuralShader;
		super.loadTile(tile, callback);

	 * Loads neural network configuration and weights
	 * @param {string} url - URL to configuration JSON
	 * @private
	 * @async
	async loadNeural(url) {
		await this.initialize(url);

	 * Initializes neural network parameters
	 * @param {string} json_url - URL to configuration
	 * @private
	 * @async
	async initialize(json_url) {

		const info = await this.loadJSON(json_url);
		this.max = info.max.flat(1);
		this.min = info.min.flat(1);

		this.width = info.width;
		this.height = info.height;

		let parameters = {};
		for (let i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
			let key = 'layer' + (i + 1);
			parameters[key + '_weights'] = info.weights[i];//(await this.loadJSON(data_path + "/parameters/" + w + "_weights.json")).flat(1);
			parameters[key + '_biases'] = info.biases[i]; //(await this.loadJSON(data_path + "/parameters/" + w + "_biases.json")).flat(1);

		for (const [name, value] of Object.entries(parameters))
			this.neuralShader.setUniform(name, value);

		//this.neuralShader.updateUniforms(gl, this.neuralShader.program);
		this.neuralShader.setUniform('min', this.min);
		this.neuralShader.setUniform('max', this.max);

		// make the fragment shader flexible to different network configurations
		let n = info.samples;
		let c = info.planes + 2;
		while (n % 4 != 0)
		while (c % 4 != 0)
		this.neuralShader.setShaderInfo(info.samples, info.planes, n, c, info.colorspace);

		this.networkParameters = parameters;

	/** @ignore */
	setCoords() {
		let gl =;

		let coords = new Float32Array([-1, -1, -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, -1]);

		this.coords_buffer = gl.createBuffer();
		gl.bindBuffer(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, this.coords_buffer);
		gl.bufferData(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, coords, gl.STATIC_DRAW);

		let texCoords = new Float32Array([0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0]);
		this.texCoords_buffer = gl.createBuffer();
		gl.bindBuffer(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, this.texCoords_buffer);
		gl.bufferData(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, texCoords, gl.STATIC_DRAW);

	// little set of functions to get model, coeff and info
	/** @ignore */
	async loadJSON(info_file) {
		const info_response = await fetch(info_file);
		const info = await info_response.json();
		return info;

	/* ************************************************************************** */

	 * Renders the Neural RTI visualization
	 * Handles quality adaptation and progressive refinement
	 * @param {Transform} transform - Current view transform
	 * @param {Object} viewport - Current viewport
	 * @returns {boolean} Whether render completed
	 * @override
	 * @private
	draw(transform, viewport) {
		//TODO this is duplicated code. move this check up 
		if (this.status != 'ready')
			return true;

		this.worldRotation = transform.a + this.transform.a;

		if (this.networkParameters !== undefined) {

			let previousRelightFraction = this.relightFraction;
			//adjust maxTiles to presserve framerate only when we had a draw which included relighting (but not a refine operation!).
			if (this.relighted) {
				if (this.canvas.fps > this.canvas.targetfps * 1.5) {
					this.currentRelightFraction = Math.min(1.0, this.currentRelightFraction * this.convergenceSpeed);
					//console.log('fps fast: ', this.canvas.fps, this.currentRelightFraction);
				} else if (this.canvas.fps < this.canvas.targetfps * 0.75) {
					this.currentRelightFraction = Math.max(this.currentRelightFraction / this.convergenceSpeed, 1 / 128);
					this.convergenceSpeed = Math.max(1.05, Math.pow(this.convergenceSpeed, 0.9));
					console.log('fps slow: ', this.canvas.fps, this.currentRelightFraction);
			//this.refine = true;

			//setup final refinement
			if (this.refineTimeout)

			if (this.currentRelightFraction < 0.75 && this.refine == false)
				this.refineTimeout = setTimeout(() => { this.emit('update'); this.refine = true; }, Math.max(400, 4000 / this.canvas.fps));

			this.relightFraction = this.refine ? 1.0 : this.currentRelightFraction;
			this.relightFraction = Math.round(this.relightFraction * 8) / 8;

			let sizeChanged = this.relightFraction != previousRelightFraction;

			let w = Math.round((this.layout.tilesize || this.layout.width) * this.relightFraction);
			let h = Math.round((this.layout.tilesize || this.layout.height) * this.relightFraction);

			//console.log("Canvas fps: ", this.canvas.fps, "relighted: ", this.relighted, "Refine? ", this.refine, " fraction: ", this.relightFraction, " w: ", this.tileRelightWidth);
			this.refine = false;

			let available = this.layout.available(viewport, transform, this.transform, 0, this.mipmapBias, this.tiles);

			let tiles = Object.values(available);
			if (tiles.length == 0)
			if (sizeChanged)
				for (let tile of tiles)
					tile.neuralUpdated = false;

			this.relighted = false;
			this.totTiles = 0;
			this.totPixels = 0;
			for (let tile of tiles) {
				if (tile.neuralUpdated && !sizeChanged)
				if (!this.relighted) {
					this.relighted = true; //update fps next turn.
					this.preRelight([viewport.x, viewport.y, viewport.dx, viewport.dy], w, h, sizeChanged);
				this.relightTile(tile, w, h, sizeChanged);
				this.totPixels += w * h;
				this.totTiles += 1;
			if (this.relighted)

			this.relighted = this.relighted && !this.refine; //udpate fps only if not refined.

		this.shader = this.imageShader;
		let done = super.draw(transform, viewport);
		this.shader = this.neuralShader;

		return done;

	 * Prepares WebGL resources for relighting
	 * @param {number[]} viewport - Viewport parameters
	 * @param {number} w - Width for processing
	 * @param {number} h - Height for processing
	 * @private
	preRelight(viewport, w, h) {
		let gl =;

		if (!this.neuralShader.program) {
			for (var i = 0; i < this.neuralShader.samplers.length; i++)
				gl.uniform1i(this.neuralShader.samplers[i].location, i);
		} else


		if (!this.coords_buffer)

		gl.bindBuffer(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, this.coords_buffer);
		gl.vertexAttribPointer(this.neuralShader.position_location, 2, gl.FLOAT, false, 0, 0);

		gl.bindBuffer(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, this.texCoords_buffer);
		gl.vertexAttribPointer(this.neuralShader.texcoord_location, 2, gl.FLOAT, false, 0, 0);

		gl.blendFunc(gl.SRC_ALPHA, gl.ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA);

		if (!this.framebuffer)
			this.framebuffer = gl.createFramebuffer();
		gl.bindFramebuffer(gl.FRAMEBUFFER, this.framebuffer);

		//save previous viewport
		this.backupViewport = viewport;
		gl.viewport(0, 0, w, h);

 * Finalizes the relighting pass and restores rendering state
 * This method performs cleanup after relighting operations by:
 * 1. Unbinding the framebuffer to return to normal rendering
 * 2. Restoring the original viewport dimensions
 * Technical details:
 * - Restores WebGL rendering state
 * - Returns framebuffer binding to default
 * - Resets viewport to original dimensions
 * - Must be called after all tiles have been processed
 * @private
 * @see preRelight - Called at start of relighting process
 * @see relightTile - Called for each tile during relighting
	postRelight() {
		let gl =;
		gl.bindFramebuffer(gl.FRAMEBUFFER, null);

		//restore previous viewport
		let v = this.backupViewport;[0], v[1], v[2], v[3]);

	 * Processes individual tile using neural network
	 * @param {Object} tile - Tile to process
	 * @param {number} w - Processing width
	 * @param {number} h - Processing height
	 * @param {boolean} sizeChanged - Whether tile size changed
	 * @private
	relightTile(tile, w, h, sizeChanged) {
		let gl =;

		let needsCreate = tile.tex[0] == null;
		if (needsCreate) {
			let tex = tile.tex[0] = gl.createTexture();
			gl.bindTexture(gl.TEXTURE_2D, tex);
			// set the filtering so we don't need mips
			gl.texParameteri(gl.TEXTURE_2D, gl.TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, gl.LINEAR);
			gl.texParameteri(gl.TEXTURE_2D, gl.TEXTURE_WRAP_S, gl.CLAMP_TO_EDGE);
			gl.texParameteri(gl.TEXTURE_2D, gl.TEXTURE_WRAP_T, gl.CLAMP_TO_EDGE);
		if (sizeChanged || needsCreate) {
			gl.bindTexture(gl.TEXTURE_2D, tile.tex[0]);
			// define size and format of level 0
			gl.texImage2D(gl.TEXTURE_2D, 0, gl.RGBA,
				w, h, 0,
				gl.RGBA, gl.UNSIGNED_BYTE, null);

			//gl.bindTexture(gl.TEXTURE_2D, null);

		for (var i = 0; i < this.neuralShader.samplers.length; i++) {
			let id = this.neuralShader.samplers[i].id;
			gl.activeTexture(gl.TEXTURE0 + i);
			gl.bindTexture(gl.TEXTURE_2D, tile.tex[id]);

		gl.framebufferTexture2D(gl.FRAMEBUFFER, gl.COLOR_ATTACHMENT0,
			gl.TEXTURE_2D, tile.tex[0], 0);
		gl.drawArrays(gl.TRIANGLE_FAN, 0, 4);

		tile.neuralUpdated = true;

	 * Updates light direction and marks tiles for update
	 * @returns {boolean} Whether updates are complete
	 * @override
	 * @private
	interpolateControls() {
		let done = super.interpolateControls();
		if (done)
			return true;

		let light = this.controls['light'].current.value;
		let rotated = Transform.rotate(light[0], light[1], this.worldRotation * Math.PI);
		light = [rotated.x, rotated.y];

		for (let [id, tile] of this.tiles)
			tile.neuralUpdated = false;
		return false;

 * Register this layer type with the Layer factory
 * @type {Function}
 * @private
Layer.prototype.types['neural'] = (options) => { return new LayerNeuralRTI(options); }

export { LayerNeuralRTI }