import { Skin } from './Skin' import { Util } from './Util' import { Controller2D } from './Controller2D' import { ControllerPanZoom } from './ControllerPanZoom' import { Ruler } from "./Ruler" import { ScaleBar } from './ScaleBar' import { addSignals } from './Signals' /** * @typedef {Object} UIAction * Action configuration for toolbar buttons * @property {string} title - Display title for the action * @property {boolean} display - Whether to show in toolbar * @property {string} [key] - Keyboard shortcut key * @property {Function} task - Callback function for action * @property {string} [icon] - Custom SVG icon path or content * @property {string} [html] - HTML content for help dialog */ /** * @typedef {Object} MenuEntry * Menu configuration item * @property {string} [title] - Large title text * @property {string} [section] - Section header text * @property {string} [html] - Raw HTML content * @property {string} [button] - Button text * @property {string} [group] - Button group identifier * @property {string} [layer] - Associated layer ID * @property {string} [mode] - Layer visualization mode * @property {Function} [onclick] - Click handler * @property {Function} [oninput] - Input handler for sliders * @property {MenuEntry[]} [list] - Nested menu entries */ /** * * UIBasic implements a complete user interface for OpenLIME viewers. * Provides toolbar controls, layer management, and interactive features. * * Core Features: * - Customizable toolbar * - Layer management * - Light direction control * - Camera controls * - Keyboard shortcuts * - Scale bar * - Measurement tools * * Built-in Actions: * - home: Reset camera view * - fullscreen: Toggle fullscreen mode * - layers: Show/hide layer menu * - zoomin/zoomout: Camera zoom controls * - rotate: Rotate view * - light: Light direction control * - ruler: Distance measurement * - help: Show help dialog * - snapshot: Save view as image * * Implementation Details * * Layer Management: * - Layers can be toggled individually * - Layer visibility affects associated controllers * - Overlay layers behave independently * - Layer state is reflected in menu UI * * Mouse/Touch Interaction: * - Uses PointerManager for event handling * - Supports multi-touch gestures * - Handles drag operations for light control * - Manages tool state transitions * * Menu System: * - Hierarchical structure * - Dynamic updates based on state * - Group-based selection * - Mode-specific entries * * Controller Integration: * - Light direction controller * - Pan/zoom controller * - Measurement controller * - Priority-based event handling * * Dialog System: * - Modal blocking of underlying UI * - Non-modal floating windows * - Content injection system * - Event-based communication * * Skin System: * - SVG-based icons * - Dynamic loading * - CSS customization * - Responsive layout * * Keyboard Support: * - Configurable shortcuts * - Action mapping * - Mode-specific keys * - Focus handling * * See the complete example in: {@link|GitHub ui-custom example} */ class UIBasic { /** * Creates a new UIBasic instance * @param {Viewer} viewer - OpenLIME viewer instance * @param {UIBasic~Options} [options] - Configuration options * * @fires UIBasic#lightdirection * * @example * ```javascript * const ui = new UIBasic(viewer, { * // Enable specific actions * actions: { * light: { display: true }, * zoomin: { display: true }, * layers: { display: true } * }, * // Add measurement support * pixelSize: 0.1, * // Add attribution * attribution: "© Example Source" * }); * ``` */ constructor(viewer, options) { //we need to know the size of the scene but the layers are not ready. let camera =; Object.assign(this, { viewer: viewer, camera:, skin: 'skin/skin.svg', autoFit: true, //FIXME to be moved in the viewer? //skinCSS: 'skin.css', // TODO: probably not useful actions: { home: { title: 'Home', display: true, key: 'Home', task: (event) => { if (camera.boundingBox) camera.fitCameraBox(250); } }, fullscreen: { title: 'Fullscreen', display: true, key: 'f', task: (event) => { this.toggleFullscreen(); } }, layers: { title: 'Layers', display: true, key: 'Escape', task: (event) => { this.toggleLayers(); } }, zoomin: { title: 'Zoom in', display: false, key: '+', task: (event) => { camera.deltaZoom(250, 1.25, 0, 0); } }, zoomout: { title: 'Zoom out', display: false, key: '-', task: (event) => { camera.deltaZoom(250, 1 / 1.25, 0, 0); } }, rotate: { title: 'Rotate', display: false, key: 'r', task: (event) => { camera.rotate(250, -45); } }, light: { title: 'Light', display: 'auto', key: 'l', task: (event) => { this.toggleLightController(); } }, ruler: { title: 'Ruler', display: false, task: (event) => { this.toggleRuler(); } }, help: { title: 'Help', display: false, key: '?', task: (event) => { this.toggleHelp(; }, html: '<p>Help here!</p>' }, //FIXME Why a boolean in toggleHelp? snapshot: { title: 'Snapshot', display: false, task: (event) => { this.snapshot() } }, //FIXME not work! }, postInit: () => { }, pixelSize: null, unit: null, //FIXME to be used with ruler attribution: null, //image attribution lightcontroller: null, showLightDirections: false, enableTooltip: true, controlZoomMessage: null, //"Use Ctrl + Wheel to zoom instead of scrolling" , menu: [] }); Object.assign(this, options); if (this.autoFit) //FIXME Check if fitCamera is triggered only if the layer is loaded. Is updateSize the right event? this.viewer.canvas.addEvent('updateSize', () =>; this.panzoom = new ControllerPanZoom(, { priority: -1000, activeModifiers: [0, 1], controlZoom: this.controlZoomMessage != null }); if (this.controlZoomMessage) this.panzoom.addEvent('nowheel', () => { this.showOverlayMessage(this.controlZoomMessage); }); this.viewer.pointerManager.onEvent(this.panzoom); //register wheel, doubleclick, pan and pinch // this.viewer.pointerManager.on("fingerSingleTap", { "fingerSingleTap": (e) => { this.showInfo(e); }, priority: 10000 }); /*let element = entry.element; let group = element.getAttribute('data-group'); let layer = element.getAttribute('data-layer'); let mode = element.getAttribute('data-mode'); let active = (layer && this.viewer.canvas.layers[layer].visible) && (!mode || this.viewer.canvas.layers[layer].getMode() == mode); entry.element.classList.toggle('active', active); */{ section: "Layers" }); for (let [id, layer] of Object.entries(this.viewer.canvas.layers)) { let modes = [] for (let m of layer.getModes()) { let mode = { button: m, mode: m, layer: id, onclick: () => { layer.setMode(m); }, status: () => layer.getMode() == m ? 'active' : '', }; if (m == 'specular' && layer.shader.setSpecularExp) mode.list = [{ slider: '', oninput: (e) => { layer.shader.setSpecularExp(; } }]; modes.push(mode); } let layerEntry = { button: layer.label || id, onclick: () => { this.setLayer(layer); }, status: () => layer.visible ? 'active' : '', layer: id }; if (modes.length > 1) layerEntry.list = modes; if (layer.annotations) { layerEntry.list = []; //setTimeout(() => { layerEntry.list.push(layer.annotationsEntry()); //this.updateMenu(); //}, 1000); //TODO: this could be a convenience, creating an editor which can be //customized later using layer.editor. //if(layer.editable) // layer.editor = this.editor; }; } let controller = new Controller2D( (x, y) => { for (let layer of lightLayers) layer.setLight([x, y], 0); if (this.showLightDirections) this.updateLightDirections(x, y); this.emit('lightdirection', [x, y, Math.sqrt(1 - x * x + y * y)]); }, { // TODO: IS THIS OK? It was false before active: false, activeModifiers: [2, 4], control: 'light', onPanStart: this.showLightDirections ? () => { Object.values(this.viewer.canvas.layers).filter(l => l.annotations != null).forEach(l => l.setVisible(false)); this.enableLightDirections(true); } : null, onPanEnd: this.showLightDirections ? () => { Object.values(this.viewer.canvas.layers).filter(l => l.annotations != null).forEach(l => l.setVisible(true)); this.enableLightDirections(false); } : null, relative: true }); controller.priority = 0; this.viewer.pointerManager.onEvent(controller); this.lightcontroller = controller; let lightLayers = []; for (let [id, layer] of Object.entries(this.viewer.canvas.layers)) if (layer.controls.light) lightLayers.push(layer); if (lightLayers.length) { this.createLightDirections(); for (let layer of lightLayers) { controller.setPosition(0.5, 0.5); //layer.setLight([0.5, 0.5], 0); layer.controllers.push(controller); } } if (queueMicrotask) queueMicrotask(() => { this.init() }); //allows modification of actions and layers before init. else setTimeout(() => { this.init(); }, 0); } /** * Shows overlay message * @param {string} msg - Message to display * @param {number} [duration=2000] - Display duration in ms */ showOverlayMessage(msg, duration = 2000) { if (this.overlayMessage) { clearTimeout(this.overlayMessage.timeout); this.overlayMessage.timeout = setTimeout(() => this.destroyOverlayMessage(), duration); return; } let background = document.createElement('div'); background.classList.add('openlime-overlaymsg'); background.innerHTML = `<p>${msg}</p>`; this.viewer.containerElement.appendChild(background); this.overlayMessage = { background, timeout: setTimeout(() => this.destroyOverlayMessage(), duration) } } /** * Removes the overlay message * @private */ destroyOverlayMessage() { this.overlayMessage.background.remove(); this.overlayMessage = null; } /** * Retrieves menu entry for a specific layer * @param {string} id - Layer identifier * @returns {UIBasic~MenuEntry|undefined} Found menu entry or undefined * @private */ getMenuLayerEntry(id) { const found = => e.layer == id); return found; } /** * Creates SVG elements for light direction indicators * @private */ createLightDirections() { this.lightDirections = document.createElementNS('', 'svg'); this.lightDirections.setAttribute('viewBox', '-100, -100, 200 200'); this.lightDirections.setAttribute('preserveAspectRatio', 'xMidYMid meet'); = 'none'; this.lightDirections.classList.add('openlime-lightdir'); for (let x = -1; x <= 1; x++) { for (let y = -1; y <= 1; y++) { let line = document.createElementNS('', 'line'); line.pos = [x * 35, y * 35]; //line.setAttribute('data-start', `${x} ${y}`); this.lightDirections.appendChild(line); } } this.viewer.containerElement.appendChild(this.lightDirections); } /** * Updates light direction indicator positions * @param {number} lx - Light X coordinate * @param {number} ly - Light Y coordinate * @private */ updateLightDirections(lx, ly) { let lines = [...this.lightDirections.children]; for (let line of lines) { let x = line.pos[0]; let y = line.pos[1]; line.setAttribute('x1', 0.6 * x - 25 * 0 * lx); line.setAttribute('y1', 0.6 * y + 25 * 0 * ly); line.setAttribute('x2', x / 0.6 + 60 * lx); line.setAttribute('y2', y / 0.6 - 60 * ly); } } /** * Toggles visibility of light direction indicators * @param {boolean} show - Whether to show indicators * @private */ enableLightDirections(show) { = show ? 'block' : 'none'; } /** * Initializes UI components * Sets up toolbar, menu, and controllers * @private * @async */ init() { (async () => { document.addEventListener('keydown', (e) => this.keyDown(e), false); document.addEventListener('keyup', (e) => this.keyUp(e), false); this.createMenu(); this.updateMenu(); this.viewer.canvas.addEvent('update', () => this.updateMenu()); if (this.actions.light && this.actions.light.display === 'auto') this.actions.light.display = true; if ( await this.loadSkin(); /* TODO: this is probably not needed if(this.skinCSS) await this.loadSkinCSS(); */ this.setupActions(); /* Get pixel size from options if provided or from layer metadata */ if (this.pixelSize) { this.scalebar = new ScaleBar(this.pixelSize, this.viewer); } else if (this.viewer.canvas.layers[Object.keys(this.viewer.canvas.layers)[0]].pixelSize) { let pixelSize = this.viewer.canvas.layers[Object.keys(this.viewer.canvas.layers)[0]].pixelSizePerMM(); this.scalebar = new ScaleBar(pixelSize, this.viewer); } if (this.attribution) { var p = document.createElement('p'); p.classList.add('openlime-attribution'); p.innerHTML = this.attribution; this.viewer.containerElement.appendChild(p); } for (let l of Object.values(this.viewer.canvas.layers)) { this.setLayer(l); break; } if (this.actions.light && this.toggleLightController(); if (this.actions.layers && this.toggleLayers(); this.postInit(); })().catch(e => { console.log(e); throw Error("Something failed") }); } /** * Handles keyboard down events * @param {KeyboardEvent} e - Keyboard event * @private */ keyDown(e) { } /** * Processes keyboard shortcuts * @param {KeyboardEvent} e - Keyboard event * @private */ keyUp(e) { if ( != document.body &&'input, textarea') != null) return; if (e.defaultPrevented) return; for (const a of Object.values(this.actions)) { if ('key' in a && a.key == e.key) { e.preventDefault(); a.task(e); return; } } } /** * Loads and initializes skin SVG elements * @returns {Promise<void>} * @private * @async */ async loadSkin() { let toolbar = document.createElement('div'); toolbar.classList.add('openlime-toolbar'); this.viewer.containerElement.appendChild(toolbar); //toolbar manually created with parameters (padding, etc) + css for toolbar positioning and size. if (1) { let padding = 10; let x = 0; let h = 0; for (let [name, action] of Object.entries(this.actions)) { if (action.display !== true) continue; if ('icon' in action) { if (typeof action.icon == 'string') { if (Util.isSVGString(action.icon)) { action.icon = Util.SVGFromString(action.icon); } else { action.icon = await Util.loadSVG(action.icon); } action.icon.classList.add('openlime-button'); } } else { action.icon = '.openlime-' + name; } action.element = await Skin.appendIcon(toolbar, action.icon); if (this.enableTooltip) { let title = document.createElementNS('', 'title'); title.textContent = action.title; action.element.appendChild(title); } } } if (0) { //single svg toolbar let svg = document.createElementNS('', 'svg'); toolbar.appendChild(svg); ui.toggleLightController(); let x = padding; let h = 0; for (let [name, action] of Object.entries(this.actions)) { if (action.display !== true) continue; let element = skin.querySelector('.openlime-' + name).cloneNode(true); if (!element) continue; svg.appendChild(element); let box = element.getBBox(); h = Math.max(h, box.height); let tlist = element.transform.baseVal; if (tlist.numberOfItems == 0) tlist.appendItem(svg.createSVGTransform()); tlist.getItem(0).setTranslate(-box.x + x, -box.y); x += box.width + padding; } svg.setAttribute('viewBox', `0 0 ${x} ${h}`); svg.setAttribute('preserveAspectRatio', 'xMidYMid meet'); } //TODO: not needed, probably. Toolbar build from the skin directly if (0) { toolbar.appendChild(skin); let w = skin.getAttribute('width'); let h = skin.getAttribute('height'); let viewbox = skin.getAttribute('viewBox'); if (!viewbox) skin.setAttribute('viewBox', `0 0 ${w} ${h}`); } } /** * Initializes action buttons and their event handlers * @private */ setupActions() { for (let [name, action] of Object.entries(this.actions)) { let element = action.element; if (!element) continue; // let pointerManager = new PointerManager(element); // pointerManager.onEvent({ fingerSingleTap: action.task, priority: -2000 }); element.addEventListener('click', (e) => { action.task(e); e.preventDefault(); }); } let items = document.querySelectorAll('.openlime-layers-button'); for (let item of items) { let id = item.getAttribute('data-layer'); if (!id) continue; item.addEventListener('click', () => { this.setLayer(this.viewer.layers[id]); }); } } /** * Toggles light direction control mode * @param {boolean} [on] - Force specific state * @private */ toggleLightController(on) { let div = this.viewer.containerElement; let active = div.classList.toggle('openlime-light-active', on); this.lightActive = active; for (let layer of Object.values(this.viewer.canvas.layers)) for (let c of layer.controllers) if (c.control == 'light') { = true; c.activeModifiers = active ? [0, 2, 4] : [2, 4]; //nothing, shift and alt } } /** * Toggles fullscreen mode * Handles browser-specific fullscreen APIs * @private */ toggleFullscreen() { let canvas = this.viewer.canvasElement; let div = this.viewer.containerElement; let active = div.classList.toggle('openlime-fullscreen-active'); if (!active) { var request = document.exitFullscreen || document.webkitExitFullscreen || document.mozCancelFullScreen || document.msExitFullscreen;; document.querySelector('.openlime-scale > line'); this.viewer.resize(canvas.offsetWidth, canvas.offsetHeight); } else { var request = div.requestFullscreen || div.webkitRequestFullscreen || div.mozRequestFullScreen || div.msRequestFullscreen;; } this.viewer.resize(canvas.offsetWidth, canvas.offsetHeight); } /** * Toggles measurement ruler tool * @private */ toggleRuler() { if (!this.ruler) { this.ruler = new Ruler(this.viewer, this.pixelSize); this.viewer.pointerManager.onEvent(this.ruler); } if (!this.ruler.enabled) this.ruler.start(); else this.ruler.end(); } /** * Toggles help dialog * @param {UIBasic~Action} help - Help action configuration * @param {boolean} [on] - Force specific state * @private */ toggleHelp(help, on) { if (!help.dialog) { help.dialog = new UIDialog(this.viewer.containerElement, { modal: true, class: 'openlime-help-dialog' }); help.dialog.setContent(help.html); } else help.dialog.toggle(on); } /** * Creates and downloads canvas snapshot * @private */ snapshot() { var e = document.createElement('a'); e.setAttribute('href', this.viewer.canvas.canvasElement.toDataURL()); e.setAttribute('download', 'snapshot.png'); = 'none'; document.body.appendChild(e);; document.body.removeChild(e); } /* Layer management */ /** * Creates HTML for menu entry * @param {UIBasic~MenuEntry} entry - Menu entry to create * @returns {string} Generated HTML * @private */ createEntry(entry) { if (!('id' in entry)) = 'entry_' + (this.entry_count++); let id = `id="${}"`; let tooltip = 'tooltip' in entry ? `title="${entry.tooltip}"` : ''; let classes = 'classes' in entry ? entry.classes : ''; let html = ''; if ('title' in entry) { html += `<h2 ${id} class="openlime-title ${classes}" ${tooltip}>${entry.title}</h2>`; } else if ('section' in entry) { html += `<h3 ${id} class="openlime-section ${classes}" ${tooltip}>${entry.section}</h3>`; } else if ('html' in entry) { html += `<div ${id} class="${classes}">${entry.html}</div>`; } else if ('button' in entry) { let group = 'group' in entry ? `data-group="${}"` : ''; let layer = 'layer' in entry ? `data-layer="${entry.layer}"` : ''; let mode = 'mode' in entry ? `data-mode="${entry.mode}"` : ''; html += `<a href="#" ${id} ${group} ${layer} ${mode} ${tooltip} class="openlime-entry ${classes}">${entry.button}</a>`; } else if ('slider' in entry) { let value = ('value' in entry) ? entry['value'] : 50; html += `<input type="range" min="1" max="100" value="${value}" class="openlime-slider ${classes}" ${id}>`; } if ('list' in entry) { let ul = `<div class="openlime-list ${classes}">`; for (let li of entry.list) ul += this.createEntry(li); ul += '</div>'; html += ul; } return html; } /** * Attaches event handlers to menu entry elements * @param {UIBasic~MenuEntry} entry - Menu entry to process * @private */ addEntryCallbacks(entry) { entry.element = this.layerMenu.querySelector('#' +; if (entry.onclick) entry.element.addEventListener('click', (e) => { entry.onclick(); //this.updateMenu(); }); if (entry.oninput) entry.element.addEventListener('input', entry.oninput); if (entry.oncreate) entry.oncreate(); if ('list' in entry) for (let e of entry.list) this.addEntryCallbacks(e); } /** * Updates menu entry state * @param {UIBasic~MenuEntry} entry - Menu entry to update * @private */ updateEntry(entry) { let status = entry.status ? entry.status() : ''; entry.element.classList.toggle('active', status == 'active'); if ('list' in entry) for (let e of entry.list) this.updateEntry(e); } /** * Updates all menu entries * @private */ updateMenu() { for (let entry of this.updateEntry(entry); } /** * Creates main menu structure * @private */ createMenu() { this.entry_count = 0; let html = `<div class="openlime-layers-menu">`; for (let entry of { html += this.createEntry(entry); } html += '</div>'; let template = document.createElement('template'); template.innerHTML = html.trim(); this.layerMenu = template.content.firstChild; this.viewer.containerElement.appendChild(this.layerMenu); for (let entry of { this.addEntryCallbacks(entry); } /* for(let li of document.querySelectorAll('[data-layer]')) li.addEventListener('click', (e) => { this.setLayer(this.viewer.canvas.layers[li.getAttribute('data-layer')]); }); */ } /** * Toggles layer menu visibility * @private */ toggleLayers() { this.layerMenu.classList.toggle('open'); } /** * Sets active layer and updates UI * @param {Layer|string} layer_on - Layer or layer ID to activate */ setLayer(layer_on) { if (typeof layer_on == 'string') layer_on = this.viewer.canvas.layers[layer_on]; if (layer_on.overlay) { //just toggle layer_on.setVisible(!layer_on.visible); } else { for (let layer of Object.values(this.viewer.canvas.layers)) { if (layer.overlay) continue; layer.setVisible(layer == layer_on); for (let c of layer.controllers) { if (c.control == 'light') = this.lightActive && layer == layer_on; } } } this.updateMenu(); this.viewer.redraw(); } /** * Hides layers menu */ // closeLayersMenu() { // = 'none'; // } } /** * A **UIDialog** is a top-level window used for communications with the user. It may be modal or modeless. * The content of the dialog can be either an HTML text or a pre-built DOM element. * When hidden, a dialog emits a 'closed' event. */ class UIDialog { //FIXME standalone class /** * Instatiates a UIDialog object. * @param {HTMLElement} container The HTMLElement on which the dialog is focused * @param {Object} [options] An object literal with UIDialog parameters. * @param {bool} options.modal Whether the dialog is modal. */ constructor(container, options) { Object.assign(this, { dialog: null, content: null, container: container, modal: false, class: null, visible: false, backdropEvents: true }, options); this.create(); } /** * Creates dialog DOM structure * @private */ create() { let background = document.createElement('div'); background.classList.add('openlime-dialog-background'); let dialog = document.createElement('div'); dialog.classList.add('openlime-dialog'); if (this.class) dialog.classList.add(this.class); (async () => { let close = await Skin.appendIcon(dialog, '.openlime-close'); close.classList.add('openlime-close'); close.addEventListener('click', () => this.hide()); //content.appendChild(close); })(); // let close = Skin.appendIcon(dialog, '.openlime-close'); // close.classList.add('openlime-close'); // close.addEventListener('click', () => this.hide()); let content = document.createElement('div'); content.classList.add('openlime-dialog-content'); dialog.append(content); if (this.modal) { //FIXME backdrown => backdrop if (this.backdropEvents) background.addEventListener('click', (e) => { if ( == background) this.hide(); }); background.appendChild(dialog); this.container.appendChild(background); this.element = background; } else { this.container.appendChild(dialog); this.element = dialog; } this.dialog = dialog; this.content = content; this.hide(); } /** * Sets dialog content * @param {string|HTMLElement} html - Content to display */ setContent(html) { if (typeof (html) == 'string') this.content.innerHTML = html; else this.content.replaceChildren(html); } /** * Shows the dialog. */ show() { this.element.classList.remove('hidden'); this.visible = true; } /** * Hides the dialog and emits closed event * @fires UIDialog#closed */ hide() { /** * The event is fired when the dialog is closed. * @event UIDialog#closed */ this.element.classList.add('hidden'); this.visible = false; this.emit('closed'); } /** * Toggles fade effect * @param {boolean} on - Whether to enable fade effect */ fade(on) { //FIXME Does it work? this.element.classList.toggle('fading'); } /** * Toggles dialog visibility * @param {boolean} [force] - Force specific state */ toggle(force) { //FIXME Why not remove force? this.element.classList.toggle('hidden', force); this.visible = !this.visible; //FIXME not in sync with 'force' } } /** * Event Definitions * * Light Direction Change Event: * @event UIBasic#lightdirection * @type {Object} * @property {number[]} direction - [x, y, z] normalized light vector * * Dialog Close Event: * @event UIDialog#closed * Emitted when dialog is closed through any means */ addSignals(UIDialog, 'closed'); addSignals(UIBasic, 'lightdirection'); export { UIBasic, UIDialog }